Until recently, the opportunity to have the personal teacher, was destiny of rather small circle of people. Distribution of the personal computers supplied by the graphic user interface and capable to perceive and reproduce multimedia data in various formats, makes an opportunity to have а personal «electronic teacher» popular. Last years the quantity of computers in the Russian Federation grows in a geometrical progression.
The opportunity of work with multimedia data has provided creation of rather effective training programs and electronic textbooks.
Multimedia - is the edition is a high-grade association of products of modern information technologies: the text, schedules, video, audio, a photo, cinema and telecommunications (phone, TV, a radio communication).
Sharing of various forms of representation of the information essentially increases a degree of its perception. By estimations of experts in the field of pedagogical physiology, efficiency of various modes of training is allocated as follows:
- Reading of a text material - 10 %;
- Perception of the information on hearing - 20 %;
- Perception of the visual information - 30 %;
- Combination of the visual and audio information - 50 %;
- Discussion of the information with others - 70 %;
- The data received on the basis of own experience - 80 %;
- Explanation of a teaching material to another - 90 %.
Using the multimedia training-methodical complexes gives a lot of advantages, such as:
- Opportunity of a combination of various forms of presenting of the information (text, graphic, animations, video, audio);
- Using the exercises «training on own experience»;
- Opportunity of adaptation of a course to specific features of trainees;
- Maintenance of a technological basis for flexible interaction between trainees and teachers;
- Maintenance of immediate reaction to actions of trainees;
- Opportunity of an any choice of a place and time for working with a teaching material;
- Effective training to performance of "mechanical" operations.
Gradually, but approach of electronic editions in educational sphere, since school training, further in sphere of an average and higher education steadily proceeds. In many cases partial or full transition to electronic textbooks and computer educational technologies is justified. Efficiency of such replacement with that above, than is more variety of training books and below their circulations.
High consumer value of developing electronic editions for children as interest to a developing materials raises is doubtless and the opportunity of application of new, more effective technologies not only training, but also gradual involving of children in process of training in the game form is provided. These techniques are already tested in many countries and in practice have proved the efficiency.
It is necessary to note also, that preparation and duplicating of printed educational editions demands significant expenses of time and material means. In our country anybody did not make such calculations, but in state of Texas (USA), Committee on school education has counted up that more cheaply to provide each schoolboy with a computer and textbooks in the electronic form, than annually to spend huge means for a publishing of these textbooks.
From the point of view of speed of preparation electronic textbooks also have essential advantages before the printed book. For those subjects which theme are quickly varying technologies, speed of preparation and modernization of manuals is extremely important factor.
For the sake of justice it is also necessary to tell about lacks of electronic training programs and textbooks:
- Necessity of the special additional equipment for work with them, first of all - a computer with the corresponding (special) software;
- the unusual, untraditional electronic form of representation of the information and increased fatiguability at work with the monitor;
- The teaching material on some disciplines is difficult for presenting in a formalized kind;
- At studying some disciplines (or separate themes) personal contact - « eyes in eyes » - between the teacher and the pupil is necessary;
- Not always it is possible to pick up adequate criteria of knowledge and skills control of trainees: in some cases value judgment of the teacher appears more objective, than an estimation calculated by formal rules.
Summing up the aforesaid can safely prove, that the best results in education can be received by a combination of high technologies with traditional methods of training.